Ak123 said...
I CAN say this for a fact. It happened to me personally. I was 225 pounds, had bad cholesterol, bad hscrp, high A1c. I went vegan ( but eat salmon about 2 times a month) , weight dropped to 158, a1c is 5.2, very good cholesterol levels. Hscrp droped to .8 now. I have more energy and feel great. I do NOT need any rct to prove this to me. I know it works. I did all of this ofcourse after I had PC. now, the question is did it help with my cancer progression?i do not know but I can tell you I am NOW following cashless diet inch by inch, would it help at controlling the PSADT? I have no ideas BUT stay tuned because if anyone is disciplined, it is me STAY TUNED.
Tell it, Brother. We don't need no stinkin RCTs. Actually, we do and they would be nice and I prefer them, but the almost endless lack of them, a lack of RCTs that actually tell us what we need to know, does not have to preclude common sense. 90+% of folks here avoid smoking, I bet. Based on what RCTs, may I ask? The lack of RCTs does not mean we must ignore common sense( don't step in front of that car unless you want pain and trouble and probable death!). And when there is a lot of association and evidence leading us in a certain direction, and when we try it and get the results we hoped for, there is certainly no need for us to ignore those results because we lack endless studies. It seems we now live in kind of a "rule by expert" world, where people are afraid to act until the final OK comes down from on high.
Every lab result you mentioned -and no doubt other unmentioned #s that were also much improved- puts you in a group that has a lower RISK of all cause death, and cancer specific death, and yes even PC specific death. Just that A1c lowering alone- especially if accomplished more by diet than by medications- puts you in a much lower risk group for all of the above listed mortality causes, including death from PCa. It puts you at far lower risk for high blood insulin, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes(T2D). That right there assures that you are at much lower risk for multiple causes of mortality! Rocket science is not required to figure this one out!
Is it possible that you might, despite your best efforts to get some control of the risk, still die of PC? Or that you might have come down with PCa anyway if you had always been doing those things? HECK YES to both questions! Obviously! We can not gain immortality via drugs, surgery, supplements or diet. We are all going to die from something, and it may well be PCa no matter what we do(which includes medical treatment I might add). But who cares? It is without question that you have put your self into a lower risk group for all cause AND PCa specific death. You are not immortal, but you have WITHOUT QUESTION improved your odds of making it another year by putting yourself into a known lower risk group. So maybe you were slated to die of PC at age 65 despite treatment, but because of your dietary changes you will not die of it until 80, or something else will kill you first, like getting shot by a jealous husband. Who can say that is not very possible, that your life has been extended by your changes? No one!
It has not come down from on high yet(and thus we won't hear much about
it from most of our docs) that eating in a way that results in lower insulin ( which probably also means lower blood sugar) will give us better odds against death from PCa.
However, there is no lack of studies resulting in advice from powerful medical authorities that "improving" our diets is a big help in the battle against obesity and T2D. (debate is still ongoing as to what exactly constitutes "improving diet"). And there are also plenty of studies showing that those with T2D have MUCH higher risk of other disease and all cause and cancer and PCa specific death, compared to those who do not have T2D. Also, plenty of studies showing that the worse your case of T2D is(IOW, higher blood sugar and insulin) and the more it has to be controlled by medications, and ESPECIALLY INSULIN INJECTIONS, THE WORSE YOUR ODDS FOR ALL TYPES OF CANCER AND MORTALITY ARE. And there are plenty of studies showing that T2D can be greatly improved or even cured(off all meds) with diet alone.
Well, if T2D is a scourge for all health related matters and greatly increases your mortality from about
everything including PCa(and it is and does), then if you greatly improve or even cure your T2D with dietary intervention, then.....? What is the next logical progression, regarding your PCa? Hello? Must we wait for the ruling from on high, wait for endless years of repeat RCTs which are unlikely to ever be done anyway, in order to use our logic and common sense? Until that ruling comes we just keep saying diet is of no help?
And if we ate "healthy" (though probably NOT in a way that would lower our blood sugar and insulin and risk of T2D, not if we have been following prevailing medical advice the last 40 years), and we are diagnosed with a cancer anyway(rather than maybe dying from, or at least having mets, 5 years earlier than we ended up being diagnosed with a less serious case), then we are to declare diet useless in the battle? Really? Well if nothing helps, if all is useless, then maybe we should eat in such a way so as to develop T2D leading to insulin injections and see what that does for our PCa? Any one up for that challenge? Maybe we can get someone here to run a sort of anti-cashless diet experiment? That should prove interesting.
I just do not understand the arguments against the idea that dietary(and maybe even supplemental) means of fighting almost all disease, including PCa, is very likely helpful. I don't understand the thinking that says nothing can help except the treatments our doctors prescribe, or at least until they approve our diet.(remember, it wasn't long ago these guys were pushing trans fats AND high carb) Based on the info that is available, it seems illogical to me to think that nothing can even help. Even though no one I know of argues that it can not help T2D, plenty do argue that diet can not help all of the evils T2D leads to. Imagine this argument: "hey, you are diabetic or pre-diabetic? Don't worry about
that, just eat whatever you want, only prescript
ion meds can help you anyway, it's all in your genes after all!". Yet many people who would think that is a preposterous argument essentially make the same argument about
how eating to avoid T2D is useless against all the other diseases- including PCa- that T2D leads to. That makes no sense!
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 4/3/2018 11:24:27 AM (GMT-6)