Just a little update. Dad went to see his oncologist today. As we were told last time that there was to be no further treatment we did wonder if it was a good idea to go but my Dad, Aunty and Mum went ( he doesn’t like me going, I guess he thinks I would get upset) Previously I would have had a million questions but those who know the story, all my questions have been answered.
Nothing really new to report, apparently he now has what’s called an ‘
open ended’ appointment. So.. if he needs him, call him. He did say that if he were to start experiencing any pain that he should be contacted and they might consider radiotherapy. I was slightly confused by this as Dad is so very weak, I think it might have just been a comment made to make Dad feel like he hasn’t been just left to deal with it. The oncologist ensured that Dad had all the palliative care in place.. i.e. hospice support etc. We have that all of that organised.
Thoroughout all of this, Dad remains mentally strong. It’s quite incredible. I would say that here have been bouts of incredibly low mood but I feel there might be a sort of acceptance now. Hard to explain. Even though he’s a lot weaker he is generally in a better frame of mind from when he was told there was no more they could do to help.
It’s very sad, I was chatting with him the other day, his words... ‘I just need some pills to make me better but there aren’t any’ ... holding myself together was hard but I did it. Most importantly, he holds himself together... like I’ve said... acceptance I guess. His brother passed away this week, Dad can’t make it to the funeral so we are going in his place.. life can throw a lot at you sometimes.
I guess I worry now that Dad may suffer some pain further on down the line, I pray that he won’t. I’ve never been through anything like this before... as much as you try to inform and prepare yourself... there’s no telling what will happen.
With regard to his physical condition, still eating, not a lot, could eat ice cream all day long
still drinking, he suffers with an upset stomach .. frequently ... sleeping a lot. Some days more out of breath than others. He can only walk a few steps really, he’s better in his wheelchair bless him. He does get up to sit in the living room but gets rather uncomfortable so goes to lie down again. Mentally.. all there and still making little jokes
I guess I just wanted to note down somewhere what happened today. Just writing things down helps me somewhat.
Love to all and hope you’re all doing well x
Added a title to your thread and wishing you the best. Jim
Post Edited By Moderator (Tudpock18) : 6/13/2018 5:32:04 AM (GMT-6)