We've all seen them. License plates that make a statement about
cancer and the fight against it. In the form of a usually colorfully designed license plate on the back of the car in front of us.
They are attention-getting certainly, and do serve to spread the word about
cancer and its research and treatment.
I regularly see them when driving on the streets here in my own town, in fact almost daily if I look for them.
And I have to observe that the breast cancer camp has again taken a significant lead here, as they do in so many areas, with pink ribbon designs and such, in dominating the number of plates on the road with a cancer theme. And that's certainly confirmed if you google a phrase such as
cancer license plates
Some examples of cancer-themed license plates that one may see out on the road nowadays:
/www.google.com/search?q=cancer+license+plates&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiFvej-gp_cAhVCZKwKHU7RDEQQsAQIeg&biw=1024&bih=635 And you can even get license plate support frames if you'd like:
/www.cafepress.com/+cancer+license-plate-framesSo to the thread question: is a cancer-themed license plate something you would want on your own car? In our case, examples with a PCa theme might be
(And if you suddenly think of some other ingenious PCa-related possibilities in addition to the above three-off-the-top-of-my-head, by all means post them below, just for fun).
Assuming such candidates meet the rules of one's state DMV. That usually just means nothing obscene or bigoted, and limited to a certain number of characters. But normally it's unlimited as to what one would like to have made and put on the back of one's car.
Here in my own state of Florida it's pretty easy to get one. (They're technically called "specialty license plates" but popularly called "vanity plates"). They currently run $ 15 annually in addition to the usual registration fees. And of course you can design your own, including one with a PCa-theme. (Maybe it’s time one of us did that). Here, just for example purposes, are the rules for such plates in Florida:
/www.flhsmv.gov/specialtytags/slpfaq.htmland some examples of such "vanity plates" now popular in Florida:
/www.flhsmv.gov/dmv/specialtytags/So getting back to the original question then, do you think you would want one for your own car?
Personally, I think I would pass, but if you feel differently, why not say so and tell us why? And, specifically, what kind of plate, presumably PCa-themed, would you design for your own car?
Just for fun.