Saipan Paradise said...
I have eight unclaimed I Love Saipan refrigerator magnets. If anyone would like one, email me your mailing address and I’ll send you one! Offer good the next 36 hours, while I’m still in the continental United States.
We returned from Orlando just last night and while unpacking gave the Saipan magnet it's honorary place on our fridge. Thanks again for the souvenir. The weather finally warmed up enough on Saturday for us to spend some serious time in the hot tub. Other than the mini GFMPH it was a fairly immemorable vacation. Have a safe flight home!
Pratoman said...
What you said is exactly what dr z told me. That until the Lupron works it’s way out if the system, PSA tests won’t be particularly revealing.
Ditto here. My next PSA will be in January and will be a full year since my last six month shot. I'm hoping to see at least some rise in T level but not expecting a lot of recovery. Hope for the best but anticipate the worst as I always say.
One thing I often wonder about
is, just where are we, or what do we call ourselves? Once we've completed all treatments and are living in limbo, hoping that our numbers stay low, are we in remission? I intend to ask my Uro that specifically in January. When ppl ask me my status I just say that there is currently "no evidence of disease". But they generally have no idea what that means.