Mumbo - The Biopsy was the standard 12 core trus biopsy. The MRI was done about 3 months after the biopsy. The URO who did the biopsy does not believe in doing MRI. Thinks it is useless. said...
Mufjem - That is a bit troubling, it is my understanding that doing the MRI before doing any invasive testing (assuming local radiologists have access to the correct MRI equipment, etc) is the current state of the practice for the less than obvious situations like yours (covered by insurance, mine was). Your PSA's should not be troubling by themselves for a 67 year old, especially since the second was lower. Feeling a bump or ridge adds to the complexity though. The MRI can provide additional information to the urologist regarding whether a biopsy should be done or not at this time (they are not close to being risk free). Your MRI result of PIRADS 2 is pretty low and may have caused the urologist to wait and do more PSA testing and maybe another MRI at a later time rather than the biopsy right away. Also, with the MRI results, the urologist can aim for the area of concern and insure a good sample is obtained there. Just my thoughts.