Forecaddie said...
Here's my latest Triple Play update. My last post was on 3/25/18. Since then I completed SRT in June 2018. I use the washroom so often I don't bother to zip up my pants (at home). This week was my 4th Lupron shot (4 month version). My Urologist says it should be my last (if my Testosterone stays <50). He wants me to continue Lupron until 1 year after SRT ended.
My PSA is undetectable. But my mood swings are not. If I can't chill out I may have to use the "Lupron Defense" someday. Counting the days ...
Great PSA news! What is the Lupron Defense???
My experience, opinion, and research, in part based on talking to a lot of friends, is that Lupron is most definitely the gift that keeps giving...for years, not months. RO's, Uros and even MO's know precious little about
what causes SE's, or how to most successfully treat them. As you, I, and many others have discovered, SE's continue well after the last Lupron shot.
I would press the Uro hard for specific 'facts' if he pushes for more ADT. Given your numbers, 16 months seems like enough. IMHO, those who blithely go with whatever their Uro or PO suggest re extended ADT treatment, without lots of independent research are doing themselves a disservice.
Best of luck for continuing that <PSA.