Yes, Dr. Epstein is the top guru. However, active surveillance (AS) will be off the table. Even if all cores were to come back G6, the number of positive cores throughout the prostate makes AS inadvisable. While you won't know for sure about
your biopsy until then, IMO, the odds are there will be some pattern 4. I wouldn't think your treatment choice will differ based on a biopsy of G6 (3+3) vs. G7 (3+4) if the cancer appears to be prostate-confined (the Gleason score of a biopsy is that of the highest-grade lesion).
The imaging you had may be enough to get an idea whether the cancer is prostate-confined. The MRI should tell you and your doc more about
the rib lesion. In the meantime, chill out! You can read up on the common primary-treatment decision, surgery vs. radiation. With the latter there are different modalities and combinations to consider.
I would start a notebook or pad with your questions for your doc and/or the Forum. As they are answered, you'll have more
A diagnosis of prostate cancer is always a shock, but this is a long game. Relax and welcome! Keep us updated, please.