I am surprised that with a gleason score of 6 you would get a bone scan unless the biopsy indicated that the cancer had metastasized (spread).
I had a psa of 7 in November 2004, in April 2005 it was 6.
In August 2005 it was just over 6 so I had my biopsy.
I had a Gleason of 6 (3+3) and 7 (4+3) and a bone scan was not even considered and I had a second opinion. Also my biopsy indicated that the cancer has matastasized.
I had a laproscopic radical prostatecyomy 5 weeks ago and the pathology report showed no spread outside.
So, don't panic, just get the best surgeon you can find hopefully in a Cancer Hospital and with scores of 6 iI would think you would do really well.