Studies show smokers have a more than double the risk of ending up in critical condition. This *could* account for the high CFR in Italy (or it could be that Italy just hasn't tested enough people to show the true CFR i.e. people who have mild disease bring down the CFR dramatically, as in S. Korea); story translated from the Italian here:
Covid-19: in smokers the risk of ending up in intensive care is more than double
ISS, 11 March 2020
by Roberta Pacifici has now been shown that active and passive tobacco smoke seriously damages health and also promotes respiratory infections.
We are therefore not surprised that recent studies of Covid-19 have shown a more severe disease risk among smokers. A third more of Covid-19 positive smokers had a more serious clinical situation than non-smokers upon admission, and for them the risk of needing intensive care and mechanical ventilation is more than double. These studies also speculate that the smoker's condition explains the gender difference in the reported lethality rate which would be 4.7% in men versus 2.8% in women. In fact, the prevalence of smokers in China is very high and exceeds 50% while that of women is less than 3%.
Ceasing to consume any tobacco product is therefore even more important today.
In Italy there are 11.6 million smokers, 22% of the population over the age of 15. There are over 7 million men who smoke and 4.5 million women. Among students aged between 14 and 17, 11.1% and 13.4% occasionally smoke.
Attempts to quit smoking have been on the decline in recent years but scientific research has confirmed that many short and long-term benefits are obtained when you quit smoking. After a few weeks the respiratory gas exchange of the circulation improves, the cough and respiratory problems improve.
Quitting smoking is possible In Italy we have Anti-Smoking Centers, present all over the national territory, where specialists are able to help smokers in the process of cessation of the consumption of tobacco products also through personalized interventions. We use the need for changes in daily habits, which this epidemic imposes on us, to mature the need to abandon the consumption of tobacco and nicotine products. Call the Green Telephone against smoking 800 554088, active from Monday to Friday from 10 to 16 for information and support for change.
Post Edited (Buddy Blank) : 3/12/2020 7:38:17 AM (GMT-6)