A relevant article at this time, for sure.
From it:
“We issued these recommendations assuming that the pandemic will last for at least several months, with multiple waves of varying length."
"The framework recommends protecting patients, care providers and society through “increased use of telemedicine consultations,” while also avoiding, deferring and shortening radiotherapy whenever possible. The four main components of the RADS recommendations include remote visits, avoiding radiation, delaying treatment, and shorten radiotherapy treatments."
"For patients whose disease is rapidly progressing, the researchers stress weighing the treatment against potential COVID-19 complications."And, interestingly
"The researchers found that consultation and return visits could safely be delayed between 1-6 months according to stage of the disease. For patients with very low, low, and favorable intermediate-risk disease, treatment can be avoided or delayed until the pandemic subsides." (Boldface mine)
The article goes on to suggest that for aggressive PCa cases, ADT can be used in place of RT "for months" until the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, at which time the use of RT can then be pursued.