Tim G said...
Nobody understood two months ago what a runaway freight train this virus was.
Plenty of people understood we had a runaway train headed our way two months ago. Health care professional rang the alarm bell, countries rang the alarm bell, even guys like me, who is not a doctor, nurse, or a scientist, rang the alarm bell, here on an infamous Healing Well thread (
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=4185502). That was back in February. I noted Dr. John Campbell - who called it a pandemic at the end of January (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apvpfc7nfr0) - had among the best information available at the time, along with other experts, various CDCs, etc. Some laughed.
We had the example of China, and other countries, who had varying degrees of success combatting the virus (and BTW China is one of the handful of countries that had a true lockdown, and as a result few deaths compared to those who ignored the warnings, and didn't lockdown).
I understand hindsight is 20/20, but I'm not talking about
hindsight. I'm talking about
warnings that were ignored.
We've now passed 100k deaths, with no end is sight. People out, not social distancing, not wearing masks - as a badge of honor - spreading the virus. This is another alarm bell. Health care professionals are warning us we're playing with fire.