My last Labcorp uPSA test also came back <0.014 two weeks ago. You and I had the same Labcorp uPSA test -- the problem is that, depending on the analyzer on which they run the (ROCHE) assay, there are two different lower limits of detection.
In fact, <0.014 was Labcorp's lowest limit of detection until just a few years ago. (I'm not allowed to post the link, but a popular walk-in lab has a sample Labcorp uPSA test result with a copyright date of 2015 that they never bothered to updated. The result there is <0.014 and the test name and number are that for uPSA.)
Labcorp has only one uPSA test (with or without Serial Monitoring, the latter coming with a useless graph of all your values). Unfortunately, it appears to be hit or miss now which analyzer you get. I sent them a message through the portal, but haven't gotten a response. I think they are up to their neck in Covid-10 tests.
If you look at their
Test Menu page for the uPSA, you'll see that Labcorp makes no claim about
the lower limit of detection.
If you have the test rerun, there is no guarantee you'll get the more sensitive analyzer (unless your doc can arrange it). Although my nadir was 0.007, my previous test result was 0.015 -- so I'm not that bothered by the recent <0.014 result. In fact, since my recent values have been slightly greater than 0.014, I don't know which analyzer they have been using!
study was published in 2017 with the results found by an independent lab looking at the accuracy and precision of the ROCHE PSA assay that Labcorp uses. When they performing 20 repeat runs of a 0.010 ng/mL target PSA sample
in ideal lab conditions, the authors found that
two standard deviations (which encompasses 95% of results) was ± 0.002. So I would not worry about
tiny fluctuations at very low PSA levels! There are many reasons fluctuations happen,
some external, like the test itself, and some internal, to your body. For example, here are my values
11-28-17 (3 m ) 0.010
02-26-18 (6 m ) 0.009
05-30-18 (9 m ) 0.007 (nadir)
08-27-18 (1 yr.) 0.018 (huh?)
09-26-18 (13 m) 0.013 (retest)
11-26-18 (15 m) 0.012
02-25-19 (18 m) 0.015
05-22-19 (21 m) 0.015
08-28-19 (2 yr. ) 0.016
12-18-19 (28 m) 0.015
06-30-20 (34 m) <0.014