Melaine said...
Thanks for the quick reply, Djin!
I just read that it should be tested at the same time each time if possible. Also not true if you don’t have a prostate?
Well, certainly the same exact drawn at the same lab. I don't think we know enough about
the daily fluctuations of ultra-small PSA amounts. If you have a choice you can go with the approx. same time of day.
To be perfectly honest, in the days when I had a prostate, my uro didn't care if I had my blood draw right before my DRE or right after. When I asked him, he said I could ask my blood draw be done before, but he thinks the amount of prostate prodding he does isn't as important (for PSA) as, say, the real prostate massage (30 seconds I think) the uro needs to do before the PCA3 test urine collection, which is done specifically to increase the expression of this marker from the prostate to the urethra. I believe the literature says that the DRE generally increases PSA by about
10%. If one always does this after the DRE, the increase is baked-in, so to speak. I know many here are sticklers about
all the "No's." What's important is a rising trend. If men with prostates always do their blood draw after the DRE, any increase is "baked-in" anyway.