From time to time we have discussions here on the forum, which sometimes are more like "vigorous" debates actually, about
what the best diet is.
Well, how about
a slight variation on that theme? Namely, which ones are the most nutritious
individual foods to eat?
Think of it this way. Say you are going to have to spend a month on a deserted island, and you have to pack your own food to last you for that time. But suppose also that space is very limited, and due to this limitation you will need to pack and bring with you only the
most nutritious individual foods possible, to insure that your diet while on the island will be as healthful as it can be.
That is, the
maximum amount of nutrition packed into a
minimum of space.
Here's a site that claims to list eleven supernutritious foods that fit that bill, calling them "nutrient dense": course this particular list above is likely just one person's/group's guess, and another website may well list different foods. But among multiple lists there probably will be a pattern, with some foods showing up multiple times.
But one reason I chose the above list is partially for the humor effect, namely (SPOILER) some of the "nutrient dense" entries on the list are yummy (potatoes, blueberries, dark chocolate) while others, not so much (seaweed, garlic, liver).
But that brings up another point. Above remote imaginary island aside, wouldn't it just make sense in general to eat the foods on this list, or on another list of "nutrient dense" winner foods? That is, the most nutritious foods into a limited space (your stomach)? Eat them anyway?
Of course if you know of other foods that are exceptionally nutritious but take up little space, so much so as to deserve being on the above list, mention them below, and let's discuss.
For example, I would have thought that things like bananas would have made the list. Or maybe they did on the list on somebody else's website.
And, to approach this topic another way, there are numerous sites out there that list what they claim are the
least nutritious foods-per-unit-volume that are commonly consumed -- shall we call them "nutrient-thin?" -- and are on the opposite end of the nutrition spectrum.
Such as (again, one site's opinion): And, I wonder regretfully, how many people virtually LIVE on the foods just cited in the immediately above link?
But remember, the criterion is the
most nutritious foods that occupy the
least amount of space.
Any suggestions?