compiler said...
3) Same question for a bridge.
Mel, I can't speak about
the gap issue except I sure would not replace an extracted wisdom tooth. Nor can I speak about
the implants except for the anecdotal issues that I've heard second hand so that info is pretty much worthless so you're better off getting first hand anecdotal comments here.
Re the bridge, the only difficult and painful part is the extraction itself. Given that it's way back in your mouth I'll just tell you that the extraction won't be much fun even with the anesthesia (unless you decide to go under completely which could be easier - I didn't do that, just the novocaine shot). From then on it's not much of a big deal. They do some prep work (read drilling/grinding) on the adjacent teeth then fit you with a temporary bridge. In a short while (I think it was two weeks?) they put in a permanent bridge that is purportedly cemented in "permanently". The one I have on #3 has been in about
20 years and still fine. The one I have on #31 is about
a year old, hence my ability to remember the procedure!