Glad you found this site, sorry you have to be here. You are certainly younger than most here, but I am seeing more and more people slightly older than yourself going in and getting PSA tested and finding high levels relative to their age.
One thing I will tell you is that I bled a fair amount rectally after the biopsy and was told to expect this to possibly recur as the movement of waste in the colon could dislodge clots from the wall where the biopsy needles were inserted. Remember it is not usual to get poked 12-20 times in a relatively small area, so bleeding is normal.
My ejaculate was fairly bloody for 4-5 weeks after the procedure and had traces of blood for several more weeks. Took about 7 weeks total for there to be no traces of blood. This is normal and nothing to be worried about at all.
I wish you luck and hope you have good results from the biopsy (no PCa) but if you do test positive, this is a good place to come to to talk about it. Take care