jetguy said...
Thanks for your kind words. In fact Jim, I have been very busy - Tuesday was my second day off in 18 days. I am meeting myself coming and going. The company has bought a couple of new airplanes that I am eager to fly. Guess I have another new one in me.
For some reason I'm having trouble posting. Don't know why - maybe I'm tired of all the emotion. Beats me, but I feel bad not helping the newbies. I sure got a lot of help when I was a newbie.
I'm off this week end for the first time in three weeks and looking forward to doing not much.
Lee, William the Younger is doing well. Nine and a half months old now. What a great kid he is! Having him five days a week is tiring for Jan, but she loves it. Taking care of babies is her calling and she thinks she is lucky to get to do it once again. Yesterday Jan and I took him out for his first ice cream. We are not telling his parents! I think they would not approve, but if granddad doesn't take his grandson out for an occasional ice cream the world is a poorer place.
Hey Jim, Keep Your Mach Up!
Jet Pilot Bill,
My Texas company is flying me out to California next week to visit Family Tree Farm's Plumcot (incredible varieties of 75% plum-25% apricot hybrids) Plumcot operations in the San Joaquin Valley near Fresno.
I'll be thinking of you when I'm in the air over the Rockies, and again thinking of you and the Grand-kids when I'm kicking around the "family trees" just next door to the John Muir Wilderness Trail.
Your kindness and testimonies here are so appreciated.
Everyone takes a break now and then - even from labors of love!
(Ms. Bluebird, I'll be leaving my computer in Texas for 4 days!)
It is inspiring & comforting to witness such a team like you and so many others here stepping in when & where they can help most.
May God's Love be with you, your beautiful grand-children
and your low numbers, always - in the Son!