i am new to this site and it's great to find others to talk to. it is scary when they send your husband for tests especially when you ask why and they won't say anything. my husband is going through this with ultra sounds for his abdomen and kidneys. one looked suspicious so he went for another one. we are waiting on results. he has advanced prostrate cancer which had metastised by the time they discovered he had it. he's been through a lot but one thing you have to do is research, research,and research again. don't sit back and just do as they say and nothing more. you have to take a lot of this into your own hands. through research and different sites i have learned alot. positive attitude does make a difference in survival and fighting this. reach out to others in your situation. stay positive for your husband, and reach out to family if possible for support.
this journey is hard, but it can be beat. the best to you and your husband.
to the member who mentioned some men who have this cancer with mets that have survived 15 years and still going, thank you from the bottom of my heart. you are the hope my husband and i need. we needed to hear this especially when all we hear is negative. god bless you.