Last night was my first attempt to intercourse for over 10 months abstanence. First trimix (0.1) in the doctors office, second at home (0.08) and third last night at 0.20 as recommended by the PA woman. My full erection was attained within 20 minutes as expected. Tenderness set in with burning and ache pain. I climaxed about
one hour after the firm erection with much discomfort. As a result I could not go on with any more ativity as I much desired to aspecially after a 10 month wait. As I lay there, the erection is getting more firm with greater discomfort. After 1-1/2 hours I get to be a little concern. After 2-1/2 hours I call the doctors exchange, they get the doctor asleep an I attempt to discuss my issue. The doc tells me to ********* and it should go away. In a void of comment following, I ask doc what about
a cold pack and sudafed. He respondes, ya that might help. Before hanging up he tells me that I was good with an erection for up to six hours....end of conversation. Great, I am beginning to panic and decide to try ********** to my dislike and this was impossible after about
8 to 10 minutes. My penis was so sore it did not need to be you can understand, I was not in the mood.
I took two sudafed's and applied an ice pack. The ice pack was coooold as i put in on directly at first. After applying the pack indirectly the pain from the cold was not as bad but the erection persisted. 4-1/4 hours later I get mentally prepared to visit the emergency room but make one more check on the erection (I did not have much feeling down there with the cold pack). Thank you God, the erection begins to subside but very slowly. I went to bed and awoke with a normal flacid penis.
The PA was off target on the mix quantity or maybe I was too hyped up after not having this kind of sex for 10 months, I don't know. I do know that 0.20 is too much and I also agree that a climax tends to make erection more firm. The pain I need to deal with and currently have a call in to my URO.
All of you be extra cautious in the amount of trimix used. I suspect that mental and physical conditions play a part in the erection outcome. The lesser the better.