I have now had my consultation and surgery scheduled for 12/28/2007. This is two months away and worries me some as I want this thing gone from my body yesterday. I have lost four siblings and two parents from cancer of various types, none being from the prostate.
My surgery is at Vanderbilt Medical Center with Dr. Duke Herrell. It is my understanding that he has 400 surgeries under his belt but most of those were laprascopic. I really do not know the number of Robotic surgeries he has performed but it looks like I should have asked. It appears the prefered doctor at Vanderbilt is Joseph Smith but there is a a six month back log waiting for him. I do not believe I can take waiting that long so I schedule with Dr. Herrell. I do not know of anyone that has used Dr. Herrell so if any of you do know of someone please let me know maybe I can get more information. He appears to be very knowledgable and caring and he is the Director of Robotic surgery for VMC so I guess he can't be too bad.
His statement that I had good paramaters with a 6 gleason and low PSA made me feel better about waiting the two months but when I read some of these post on this forum it is apparent that the scores given to you on the initial biopsy really don't seem to mean much since many of your scores were elevated post operation.
Again if anyone knows or have use Dr. Herrell I would appreciate the information.