uncledan said...
I am not going to go the injection route as long as I can see some results no matter how slow it happens. I am leery of Peyronies or scar tissue. Of course everyone has their own decision to make.
Uncledan, I am of the same philosophy. I won't go the injection route yet because of concern about Peyronies. Like you said, that is an individual decision and there is no right or wrong answer.
For me, 14 weeks out of surgery, neither Levitra nor Cialis is effective... yet. My surgeon told me it may take quite some time for the nerves to heal and not to worry too much. It could take one year or more. I am using the VED as well for rehabilitation and I am happy with the results.
Incontinence problems have nearly disappeared except for some occasional stress incontinence in extreme situations.
So... I can't complain. No one would listen anyway!
All the best,