Hi Kids,
Well on Friday the 14th of Dec. we went in and got the surgery. It was 5 hours long and the doc said that the thing was huge, and due to that fact, he had to do some reconstruction at the bottom of the bladder to chinch it in to fit the urethra. Anyone have that? The weight of the prostate was 78 somethings. I don't remember what exactly but he said it was almost the largest one he had done. DB had to have a larger hole, made to get it out. So the one over the navel is about 3 inches up and down. I was surprised that there was no gauze or staples or steri strips or anything on the holes. They glued them shut. Well while on the pain meds thru the IV DB was flying high and no pain except the gas moving up into his armpit and he thought he was having a heart attack. Well they assured him he was ok. All the while the car was down in the parking lot with ice and snow on it. I don't drive his Highlander and really didn't know if I could get him home during the blizzard. It was the second day and he had been given the chance to go home if he wanted to and since he felt good, (drugs) and I was hearing that we would get more snow that night, we decided to go home. Where we live is very hilly and when we moved there, we had to buy the 4 wheel drive to get around in the winter. Anyway I bundled up to go clean off the car while the nurse was doing his paperwork etc. I got down there to find the car was covered in 1/2 inch of ice, but being the stubborn woman that I am I worked and worked, then cried and cried, as man after man parked their cars and walked right past me without offering help. Chivalry was sure dead that day. The more I cried the harder I scraped that glass. Well I was using the scraper he told me to use, which had a metal blade. Halfway around the car I noticed that there seemed to be scratches where ever I was scraping. This car is my hubbie's pride and joy, so I really started crying then. I was a walking snowwoman and my fingers were purple even though I had worn gloves, as I made my way back into his room. He looked at me and just shook his head and said "we need help to get home." But no one could help us. I told him about the windows and he didn't seem to be that upset. He said he would tell me how to drive, (what else is new?) And so we left with catheter in hand. I hugged the nurse and asked her to pray that we made it home. Fortunately we did, and I believe maybe we should have stayed another night because it was rough for us the first night home, which was the second night after surgery. DB wants me to tell you guys that if you get to stay 2 nights, do it. Anyway we made it, and after the first and second nights at home we are doing better today. DB is usually constipated and may have taken too much Milk of Magnesia the second day cause he was terrified of being constipated after the surgery, but he was in the toilet all last night and now things are better. We meet with robo doc on Friday and DB is making freinds with the bag and hose. They gave him a leg bag that is so little that I don't think we will use it at all. The catheter bag is hooked to his thigh with elastic and every time he stood up the whole thing fell down and hurt his, penis. So I got some surgical tape and taped it onto that hairy leg and it works fine to keep it up and supported. He is having some blood in the urine occasionally but less today. We don't know for sure if that is normal or not. But we are so tired that we are just taking it easy and hoping for good path reports to come this week. God Bless you and we will let you know.
Les and DB