Potential Drug Target For Treatment-resistant Prostate Cancer Discovered (
(January 1, 2008) -- Scientists have found that a signaling protein that is key to prostate cancer cell growth is turned on in nearly all recurrent prostate cancers that are resistant to hormone therapy. If the findings hold up, the protein, called Stat5, may be a specific drug target against an extremely difficult-to-treat cancer. ...
Men Unaware Of Their Cancer Risk When Female Relatives Test Positive For BRCA Mutation (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071214094042.htm)
(January 2, 2008) -- Men whose mothers, sisters or daughters test positive for a cancer-causing gene mutation also have an increased risk of developing the disease but are unaware of that risk. Like their female relatives, fathers, sons or brothers can also harbor a mutation in the BRCA 1 or 2 genes. Male carriers of these mutations, more commonly called the "breast cancer genes," face a 14 percent lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer as well as a 6 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. ...