Hi Norskie,
I read your words and they hit me pretty well. I know your feelings probably right now. I will be thinking of you and want you to know that this road you are travelling ain't one that can take away those beautiful words you just said. Just a year and a half ago saying I was lucky to go this road might have convinced me to get a different kind of help. But I know what you are saying. I too am a lucky man. Lucky to have found that these friends, my family, and even this wonderful place in the cyber world. You, me, Magaboo, DanMan, and way too many others,,,I am very glad I know you guys. Thank you guys all for lifting me up. It's my turn to send it back. My EM is always
open to you, and if I can help even a little, I will.
My prayers for this club at this site are real and always with you.