Have been following the posts on this forum for several weeks and felt it was time to check in..
Got the bad news about the 1st of April and began my journey into the study and treatment of Prostate cancer. Was given the option of Robotic Surgery, seed implant + radiation or just the radiation. Because of the Gleason score of 7 ,( 4+3) the I was told the seed implantment alone would not be sufficient and 5 weeks of radiation treatment would be required. The radiation alone would require 8 weeks of daily treatment. My wife and I along with the various Doctors reviewed the various options and deceided on the Robotic Surgery.
While all of the methods seem to have similar success stories the Surgery should remove the cancer problem and as I have suffered from prostate problems for years eliminate those also. Not to mention the drawn out treatment of over 8 weeks seemed to prolong the problem..
Today I'm on my liquid diet looking forward to that Magnesium cocktail at noon and doing my pelvic floor exercises. My outlook is good though I'm apprehensive about tomorrow but trusting to the man upstairs to see me thru this situation. Originally my surgery was scheduled for 5/28 but due to a cancellation was moved up to 4/28 and for this I'm truely grateful.
Age 70 - Diagnosed late March
PSA 5.52 - stage T2b,T2c
Gleason 7 (4+3)
quad heart bipass 4/06