There is an obvious correlation between testesterone to PC. This of course is why HT is used to stop the growth of cancer, but I don't know the same can be said to weight lifting.
I can only relate my circumstances. I also have been a weight trainer from way back. I lifted consistently in my 20's quit in the late 20's and began again at around 40. I have no one in my family with PC, thus the surprise when I ended up with it, but that said I have no reason to blame it on weight lifting. I do know that just prior to taking a Lupron shot a reading was taken on my testerone level, and the doc said it was average and even toward the low end - he was also taking into account my senior status. So from that I would take it that my consistent use of weights had not made my testesterone increase.
With all the reading I have done, I have never read anything that would indicate a relationship tying weightlifting and prostate problems. In fact I know a number of older weight lifters that have not and do not have prostate problems - only lucky me!
Age 61
Original data - pre-operation
PSA: 5.1
T1C clinical diagnosis, Needle biopsy - 10 cores, Gleason 7 = 3+4 in 1 core (40%), 7 cores Gleason 6 = 3+3 ranging from 5% to 12%
All scans negative
Lupron administered 4/9/2008 for 4 months (with idea I would undergo external beam radiation followed by seed implants - then I changed my mind).
Robotic DiVinci surgery - Dr. Fagin (Austin) May 19th
Post operative - pathology
pT2c NX MX
Gleason 3+4
Margins - negative
Extraprostatic extension - negative
seminal vesicle invasion - uninvolved
1st Post PSA .04