Guess someone was thinking like me when you created your name here...
Anyway, glad you found the site. Can't speak to the success then subsequent failure, as i did not have success with erections following surgery. But my doc started trimix injections 6 weeks post surgery which was far less difficult than i ever thought it could be. Honestly, it becomes pretty easy to do and the results give you oppty to carry on your sex life which is no small thing.
Personally, the meds...levitra, cialis, viagra... all make me feel lousy...headachey, stuffy nose, flushed, muscle aches, etc. The trimix does the trick and no side-effects. At first there was local aching from it, but after about a month that dissipated. I also switched to bimix which helped the aching. Accidentally i did the trimix again (bottles next to eachother in the fridge), and no aching, so now i have plenty of "fun in a bottle" to use up!