Tuesday, 8/12: Had my 3 month PSA check, and turned in my pads from the previous 24 hours. I had a horrible day for incontinence that day for some reason. They said my net urine weight was 615 grams - about
1.3 pounds.
Wed: Started trying what I believe to be are elevator kegels.
Thurs & Fri: Noticed improvement.
Saturday: Inspired by Salty Clark's home trials, I discovered I had a gram scale in the house and I started my own trial. I carefully weighed my pads on Saturday (6 pads) and Sunday (5 pads). All of them were light - and Sunday was significantly lighter than Saturday. I weighed the individual pads, and subtracted the dry pad weight (25 grams). For the two days, my average net urine weight was 162.5 grams - or about 5.5 ounces, or about a third of a pound.
Options are:
1. Tuesday was way worse than I thought and I have been making steady progress all along.
2. The doctor's office made a mistake. Did they subract the dry pad weight?
3. I am doing something wrong with my trial at home, although I am not sure what it could be.
4. I am hitting the magic "getting better overnight" syndrome and this is all coincidence.
5 After 14 weeks I finally figured out how to do a kegel, and they work almost overnight.
6. I am a complete mental head case.
It is too hard to do this during the week (capturing wet pads at the office is no fun), so I'll try again next weekend.
In any event, this is raising my spirits, and making being incontinent a little more interesting. (As an ever-encouraging friend told me, "Well, at least you are #1 at #1.")
I apologize to anyone who injured themselves falling after they fell asleep reading this email.
Live on!