Hi all, you have been so helpful since i have found this forum. Question about Cialis. My husbands doc prescribed it for him to take only 3 nights a week since his cath was removed. I have a sneaky suspision he hasnt been taking it like he should. He is only 3 weeks post op. he get semi erections everyday with my help. when i ask him f hes been taking it he says yes but i think hes fibbing or is it just too early in the game for it to work? I would think he would want to get a full erection, the sooner the better. Also wondering why only 3x a week?
Also, the day after his first orgasm he had some blood in his urine once. he calledthe doc and he said just rest(hes been back to work going on his second week) with his feet up, that it happens sometimes in the 3rd or 4th week, not to worry. anyone else have this happen?
Is there a way to post pics here? had a funny one i wanted to share.