A long time ago (10+ yrs) I had low testosterone. At my lowest testosterone level, I was a neuter and I cried because of my lost sexuality. All the sexual 'hooks' of TV, of looking, of jokes, conversation, etc., bounced off, like I had lost a sense akin to hearing. It came back with T supplements. For awhile, I had injections 1x/mo, then I discovered that 75 mg of DHEA was an acceptable substitute.
Now I'm facing PC. One Dr. said discontinue DHEA. Another (my surgeon to be) said he thought there was a risk, but that he could see that if it was low before surgery, it might not be unreasonable to maintain a low side testosterone level post surgery (although he would prefer T-patch to DHEA). I stopped my DHEA, then started up on 25 mg a day. That was too low to give me enough 'juice' to maintain my relations with my wife, so I recently stepped back up to 50 mg a day, and that seems like it is working.
This is a quality of life issue. Why are you sparing the nerves if they won't tingle with desire? What risk am I taking on if I insist on minimal T levels?
I read some prior threads here, but I would like to know if Dr's attitudes have changed, or medical advice, or what people's positive and negative experiences have been. Has anyone with normal T values been advised to receive hormone therapy for an organ confined PC robotic procedure? Has anyone amped up their T values and regretted it due to a return of PSA or something?
Your feedback much appreciated.