First, an SE is a Side Effect.
There are many reasons a doctor won't operate after radiation. But there is one glaring one. Surgery is tough enough on "virgin" tissue. Meaning tissue that is in normal condition. Once an area is irradiated it becomes deformed and scarred. Nerves, blood vessels, and surrounding tissue my function, but they are changed from their original state. In addition, again scarring occurs. A urologist who attended one of my advocacy meetings pointed out that controlling blood loss, saving nerve endings, and surgical reattachement of a urethra become very complicated after radiation. Other options that become more favorable are cryo and HIFU. (no one in the US can perform HIFU at this time). Regardless, like it is said above, there is no use for another biopsy. Tests that you may wish to request instead include a PET scan, Prostascint, and CEA. A CTC (circulating tumor cell) is also a good test. If the disease has turned to mets, then the systemic treatments such as HT, 2nd line HT, and chemo are the logical next suggestions from your doctors.
Stay beating that advocacy drum for early testing. And for your husband ~ stay positive!