Tomorrow I have two IMRTs (6 hours apart) and then on Wednesday I have one and I'll be through with this phase of treatment. I'm still taking Zoladex shots and while the oncologist said he'd like to see me taking the shots for 2 years, he would like for me to take them for at least one year. He says that with my gleason scores placing me between intermediate and high risk, he would rather treat me as high risk. I don't know if it's the radiation, the zoladex, the cancer or just wrapping my head around what is happening, but for whatever reason I feel tired (1-10 I'd guess 4 on weak) and just through. I understand that with the cancer cells greatly differentiated from normal cells, they are high risk, but if the HT and RT destroy the cancer, they what meaning does high risk have? For me this entire mess is like sitting on a time bomb and the most you can hope for is that it stops ticking now and then.
Really sorry not being more upbeat -- I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season.