Hello one and all,
Just got back home not long ago. The trip to the hospital and the operation/procedure went well according to my dr/surgeon. Was in a holding pattern for about 2 1/2 hours in pre-op that was starting to get old. But they put something in my IV to chill me. Was taken into OR, and put completely under, what bliss. Took the dr. about 40 minutes to do his thing. Recovery room time this time around was actually a pleasant experience, wonderful nurse. Soon as my head started clearing the pain hit hard, and was quickly given 3 shots of morphine spread out over an hour. Soon on the way back home (gentle drive) by lovely wife, stopped at CVS drugs to pick up some newly prescribed meds, now home.
Dr. gave my wife some color photos from the procedure, interesting really, the urethra near the bladder was about 5/6th blocked by scar tissue, which explains why I have been going through all this after 2 months. He used some kind of balloon thing, and expanded it and trimed away some of the blockage. The last photo in the set shows an opening probably 5 - 6 times larger. They did put in Catheter #5, even larger then any of the other ones, to keep it open while it heals, next Monday, in theory, he's going to take it out and it should be good to go. That is the game plan.
Hope everyone is doing well today, I am glad to be on the other side of this one.
David in SC
If this post sounds weird, it might be the morphine talking still, sorry.