I finally got scheduled for the Combidex MRI lymph node imaging in Holland on Feb 13th and 14th. My oncologist feels there's about
a 30% chance that I have lymph node involvement because of my high PSA even though my CT scan was clear.
For any of you that my be interested and are in the same position, Combidex MRI uses nano iron oxide particles and a powerful MRI to spot any PC that may have matastized into the lymph nodes. CT scans will only pick up large volume tumors and prosta scint is very inaccurate giving a lot of false positives. Combidex is said to be 96% effective in picking up PC in the lymph nodes. The prodedure is not yet FDA approved.
Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen NL is the only place in the world doing the Combidex MRI. Dr Barantz in the radiology department runs the program.
It's a two day program, 1st day the dye is injected then 24 hours later an MRI is run. The nano particles because of their shape can't enter infected lymph nodes and the MRI indicates these.
The cost of the prodedure is 1900 Euros (about $3,000 US) plus the travel costs. I'll keep you posted on how things turn out. There is about a 60 day waiting period for scheduling.