I'm a healty 73 year old guy who had inguial hernia (lower right side) surgery in Janury. During the healing process and concomitant urinay problems, I eventually discovered that I had prosate cancer. I had been dealing with BPH for years.
I had the robotic prostate surgery on July 16 by Dr. Robert Bae, Newport Beach, CA. I advised him ahead of time of the hernia surgery.
The surgery was successfully performed, although it added 45-60 minutes to the surgery. The issue is scar tissue from the prior surgery. He told me he has dealt with this complication many times and has not had any problems performing the surgery. Because the surgery procedure requires your belly be inflated, there is a chance that the hernia may reappear. Having a subsequent hernia repair, if neded, will also be compicated because of scar tissue from the prostate surgey.
Best wishes to all in this situation.
Bob #Huntington Beach, CA)