Hang tough Bounty alot of warriors and pioneers went this road way before all of us, they helped find and bring better results, treatments, and choices that did not exist 5-10-15 yrs. ago even. Control of PCa (even if no cure in sight) is way better than some people may realize, it can be done and done in different ways or protocols.
There are some mentors on www.yananow.net that have some of the worst high end stats you will probably hear of or see written anywhere, some of them have done what seems impossible, one guy comes to my mind right now....10 yr. survivor with stats that very ominious looking and he is still battling. That gives us others hope. Newer things are in the pipeline, anyone who comes up with better control or cures will be overly rewarded with acolades and money. What the patient needs to be most aware of is how good is your doctor, how much knowledge-experience does he have, and also for patient to be informed and up on what your choices might be, as only you walk the walk, others talk the talk.
You and dad need to look at a book that covers basically all aspects of PCa and in detail of treatments, protocols, drugs, oncology, results etc.
A Primer on Prostate Cancer-The Empowered Patients Guide (Dr. Strum & Donna Pogliano)
It will rock your world for knowledge and getting a grasp on all the PCa jargon, options, etc.
(Hey in your case I will give you a money back guarantee-and I mean it-I could paypal)
Z-Bob (7 yrs. of shooting arrows at this beast- PCa)