masterguns, like everything else we're all different and our kidney process at different speed. Fluid intake each day can vary and that varies the output. So there's a couple or more of different reasons why you can have problems intermittently. You're 9 weeks post surgery, so a little early in the process for continence as far as the average man's progress to being dry. some are earlier, some later, some never. Seems like when guys are beginning to get really dry, they have up and downs episodes of using more or less pads for a while. Hopefully this is what is happening.
Concerning your ed, if you are getting even minimal reaction to Cialis this early, then it seems like you are starting on your path for ed recovery. How much you regain and when is, again, an individual thing, but things you describe sounds hopeful. At around the 3 months mark, I would suggest discussing further ed actions to take with your doctor. Most guys doing ed rehab will start with a VED (penis pump) at about
that point. Injections are also something to discuss, but it is a little early, better kept until the pills and pump has a chance to help. Hope this is helpful for you. In summary, sounds like you are just the average Joe, as far as recovery, neither ahead or behind the curve.