Well, its been one month since I was off (and still hopefully for good) the last of my 5 catheters spanning over 2 months. It took me a good week not to feel sore through my penis, and to get the sensation of having a tube up there for so long.
The first week tubeless was my roughest. Everytime I moved or leaned forward, felt like I had to go pee. Couldn't tell you how many times I went, or thought I needed to go but didn't. That was the week that I hardly slept at all, averaging 2 hours or so sleep, but that was compounded by a screw up on one of my regular sleep meds from my GP.
After 3 days, I got brave enough to start going out running errands with a pad on. By the end of the 2nd week, the sleep was quickly improving, as right from the start, I have been 100% dry at night.
I went through a spell where I felt weird down there with urge. Couldn't tell if I were full, just a drop, or nothing at all. Since then, its slowly coming back to normal. The big difference between now and before, is that if I really feel full or a strong urge, I need to go pretty quick, no holding it off for hours like I use to.
At home, I don't wear any pads. If I am going to be gone local errands for an hour or so, or going to someone's house near, I go padless. I still wear pads if I am going to be going for more than a couple of hours. It's more a battle in my head then in my bladder. As much as I fear messing my pants in public, it hasn't happened, not even once.
I am about to stop wearing the pullups at night, even though I have never been wet at night, I have so many sleep problems by nature, that wearing something just allows me to sleep a little more at ease. I know that might sound silly to anyone reading this, but that is what works for me. I haven't spoiled a single pullup yet, still on the original supply that I got after getting out of the hospital in November.
All in all, I would say I am 100% continent at night, and at least 95% (hard to quantify) by day, and most of the 5% is probably just a mental/emotional issue with me.
My flow is still nothing I am pleased about. I was use to emptying my bladder out as fast as they fuel a Formula One race car. I guess with all my cath, urethra, bladder neck, and flap problems, I just have to accept that it can take a while to empty now. Trying to force it doesn't help, so I have learned to lean forward with my arms on the wall and just letting it happen.
So for a month into this part of recovery, feeling like I am doing pretty well.