Get proactive go get psa tests whenever you want one, pay for it elsewhere, some places offer free or low priced testing (find such places). I have a local Hospital here in Rochester Michigan has walking testing 6 days a week for $15 to anybody, you do not have to live here or be Michigan resident, results mailed to you in days. The money means nothing, the results mean plenty as to what you as a patient are going to do and when.
Don't worry about hurting your other docs feelings, that you might have went outside his kingdom. It never was his kingdom, you hired him, some of the docs forget such and are arrogant enough to believe they hold your salvation in their hands, some others are not like that.
If you look very closely into PCa in the real world, it is protocols, agendas and billings (money) that are offered and sold (packaged) to us patients. You are not given a list of "all" possible choices or things that are less profittable (usually) or perhaps not main stream. You might find them and docs whom endorse or have them, it is a choice if you knew it exists. The docs with PCa treatments, usually don't push you to get multiple opinions.....wonder why?