Notwithstanding the comments of Casey (who fails to provide any info on his PCa), clearly there is a debate with respect to robotic vs. open. Just look at this forum. Every month someone asks for guidance or info on that topic.
As to the study, I am thrilled that some researcher has paid attention to PCa, and has devoted time and a serious publication to one small aspect of the treatment. Is the study bad? Or, is it merely incomplete (according to some posters here, (a) the universe studied was not sufficiently large, (b) the data is skewed toward men 65 and older, (c) the study fails to differentiate between robotic vs. other laproscopic procedures, and (d) the study doesn't consider other important factors, such as less blood loss and reduced operating time). But, aren't most initial studies incomplete. Isn't that the nature of research, in that one study serves as a basis for further studies to correct the "flaws" or to examine the unexplored areas.
For most of us here, our situations are set. We already have chosen one form of treatment over another. But, don't we all want better data and info for those who follow us on this PCa journey?
BTW, for anyone who suggests that the experience of the surgeon, as measured by the numbers of procedures performed, is the only valuable info to be taken from this study, I note the following. I had my daVinci procedure done by a surgeon who had performed 500 such operations. Yet, 11 mos. later, I am totally incontinent and have ED. Was it the surgeon, was it the procedure, or was it just me? Studies on this topic may advance the info for those who follow.