Caverject is alprostadil, which is also the ingredient in Muse. So any discomfort you had with Muse will most likely be the same or more intense with Caverject. Bimix contains 2 drugs- phentalamine and papavirine, usually stated as 30mg/1 mg per 1ml. Trimix contains these same 2 drugs, normally in the same ratio, but with the addition of alprostadil, usually expressed as 20 mcg or maybe 10mcg, as 30/1/20mcg. This Trimix formulation usually does not cause any aching or pain in most people. Used at the normally low doses that most guys need, around .1ml to .2ml there is less chance of the more painful aching and pain than from straight alprostadil. Trimix is the stronger of the 2 drugs, which means it takes less, but normally costs close to twice as much. But it goes a lot farther per vial. Figure a normal trimix dose of .1ml will usually take .3 to .4ml of bimix.
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