Hello Bedelia -
I hand out very little advice about how to deal with Prostate Cancer other than to caution the newly diagnosed not to rush to judgement with regard to medical treatment, or as I have elected so far, no medical procedures. The very first course of businesss is for the person with PC (and their signifigant other) to study the subject in as much detail as possible.
The Urologist who diagnosed me stated to me that it was a "no brainer", that I should undergo surgery at the earliest possible date. I went home and started to study the topic, starting with the Johns Hopkins White Paper on Prostate Disease, which is a great primer, and which can be purchased from their website. While I was at it, it became evident to me, that there is a corrrelation between cancer and diet. This was and is good news, because I can do something about diet, and in my case I did, becoming within a couple of weeks of my diagnosis totally vegitarian, embarking on a macrobiotic course. I also took up Yoga and take supplements. To date, the results have been quite promising, and I am relieved, that I did not rush to judgement and immediately elect to prusue surgery, radiation or other radical treatment regime.
The excellent diagnostician who originally made my diagnosis was not interested in following my case with an Active Surveilance protocal. He believes in surgery. I got fired by the doctor! This led me to the department head for a major university hospital, who is very well respected, much published and who has a whole group of patients (200+) who have pursued my road less taken, of monitoring PC without taking any medical procedures for treatment unless symptomatically driven to do so. He refers to it as a program of "Expectant Management". So far (2 years since DX), so good for me. In most cases, PC moves very slowly, and most of us diagnosed with PC will die of somethig else. Most days, I am confident in the course I have taken, and thankful, that I have not been driven to have to undergo surgery or radiation or one of the other treatment options.
So, easy does it. Breathe in. Breathe out. Study the subject. Don't rush.