There aren't any perfect tests. I've argued with some doctors who are ignorant enough to suggest psa screening tests for their patients aren't helpful because "there's too many false positives". My reply was: Dr. if you had the cancer, you might feel differently", that got a negative response as well, "I don't want to talk about
it anymore". If you're getting the run around, go see a real specialist like those mentioned here. I had a gleason 9 tumor post surgery with a psa of 2.5 (the day of surgery) and clean margins per the path report at Mayo. I almost went for radiation following surgery, it was all set up, then I cancelled it. Who knows what would have happened if I had the radiation as planned.
All I know for sure is when I needed to know where the cancer was located, the combidex scan shone clear and true. Without it I would be a dead man walking.