My observations.
1. I hated my biopsy. I absolutely positively could not work the day after. However on the next day I went camping on the Current River with my wife and had a wonderful weekend.
2. Overall I hated my biopsy more than my robotic surgery.
3. I have two friends that had the exact type of biopsy one prior to mine one after. Both swear, absolutely swear, that it was a walk in the park!!! Both worked the next day. More amazing to me is that they did activities the day of the biopsy. One went to a movie and the other went out to eat. I had to stay in bed for the duration. All three of us had no sedation, and 12 cores. Both of my friends also attest that going to the dentist is worse. I would suggest that both really need to get a different dentist based on my biopsy experience.
4. I had absolutely no blood in my urine until day 7. And for what ever reason for about 5 hours I had what I thought was an alarming amount of blood (no pain) but it just suddenly stopped and never came back.
Message…Everybody is different, nobody that I can find has ever died during a biopsy, small amount of blood in the urine looks massive but in reality it is not. Obviously I was a real weenie!! (pun intended) when it came to my biopsy.
BTW, I love the hyperactivity in your post. I can feel the passion and I love it. I’d think it would be neat to set through a few of your lectures.... Any posted on YouTube? We need people like you to advocate on our behalf. I hope like heck that your not a member of this fellowship after the results of your biopsy are known. But I’d be willing to bet that you’ll be a great ombudsman for the cause either way.
I’ll light a candle for you tonight.