Suggest you read about
immuno-therapies, that are not hormone therapy and not those side effects, should have no side effects and literally plays pac-man on the PCa cells with the help of dendretic have to read gets complicated, but it works. You will have to search for the info on it.
Using Leukine is another type of therapies, you'll need insurance and a cutting edge oncologist whom knows about it. Dr. Scholz in California is doing this with a patient I know whom is 12 yrs. post diagnosis and looking for alternative for control, he claims no side effects other than his insurance company feeling the pain at $8,000 for 3 mos. worth of injections to him after seeing onco doc intitially. Not saying cure, but works when other therapies are done, it looks like the future in this area is brightening.
This can be an intermittent treatment or on and off, it appears.
Other guys are doing a lesser side effect hormone treatment like estradiol patches or DES, maybe even emcyt. Getting good responses on it and low cost, little side effects, cancels hot flashes and other negative when Lupron is still in your system...I know because I have done this. Used it for years and it is way superior to ADT3 hormone drugs, outperformed them(no profits to made on these either-fyi). You feel much closer to normal on such, especially compared to the Lupron, Zoladex, casodex and ADT3 combos.
You could also use Ketoconazole and other protocols drugs therapies. Search or perhaps and find other methods, you will need an onco-doc whom knows PCa, hopefully. Lots of ways to fight PCa, but you might have to work at finding the information and the doc whom will help you.
Best to you.