I like to know more about
issues and get information from multiple sides to everthing and then compare and contrast, especially in this culture we live in and because the cures, the answers are not widely apparent and obvious to us, nor perfected if we notice. The history about
cancers, research and such is even pretty interesting stuff. Looks like the Germans were ahead of the curve in the 1930's with their researches and 'so called' primitive knowledge, comparably back then, just an observation...no endorsements. They knew about
cigarettes and cancer back then and tried to keep even women from smoking, the USA acknowledged such around 1970 perhaps?
There are so many things to consider atleast looking at to know about cancers, like proper and improper or questionable foods, flouride, pesticides, chemical additives, animal growth hormones and possible effects unto humans, environmental exposures, and such. Some of us might wish to look closely at what you are ingesting either for further benefit or maybe preventions or staying healthier and away from scenarios. I don't claim to have any answers or to prove anything..that is always difficult. I do seem to find evidence that when we question everything, you seem to find various types of enlightenment and things that were not obvious, well known or new questions, that come to mind and to the public, and leads to other thought processes (sometimes might be good or bad). We should have free minds as that gift was given to us, originally. It is great we have different ideas, concepts, opinions...as that is how change gets to happen, if we all thought identical...there we be little need for discussions, maybe even forums (we all think the same)..so what is the point? Someone may dislike what I or someone else says, thus disagrees, no problem, probably great for debate and more critical thinking. This should not result in name calling, censorship, blackballing and such things but we see it happens, and is likely of a human nature our defense mechanisms chime in (usually), it takes real effort to accept heavy criticism with a smile...just try it on for size (LOL). Not saying I can handle it well either, but we try. Just a suggestion idea especially if you have time to look at such.
I could name some names of Doctors with interesting incites, studies, news cover ups or reports, a squelched (cancer)vaccine cure by doctor from Cedars Sinai and such. But, won't post such here for keeping hopefully within the Rules. I don't claim to say these things are truthful or not, that is why it is considered controversial. I don't know why we cannot look at anything and everything...and maybe encourage others to go outside their comfort zones, perhaps.