You can find the answer to that and similar questions at a specialized group for advanced patients with PCa. (with the the text page, see 'on-line support lists' has a tab to sign up to group and then you can pose and answer questions, this is for people around the world, so it can get very interesting as to what protocols are being done here and abroad, and what some patients journies look like. They have the group through (Yahoo groups, maybe try searching HRPCa there also) Howard Hansen is moderator and 17 yr. fighter on PCa.
I would guess Howard knows of someone whom has done such. I know of a patient whom did this more bizarre protocol and last I heard did well with it:
Chemo (1st) then Brachy + IMRT radiations (this is very unusal as far as I ever heard of). It was done I believe in Oregon/Washington area back around 2002-2004 era for this patient.
The Leibowitz protocol...could be different as mentioned above...that is not the protocol he famous or infamous for, that one is based upon: (ADT3 being composed of these types) Duration usually 13 months, then only proscar for maintenance.
Lupron (zoladex or similar) + casodex (maybe higher dosage than average)+ proscar (or avodart)...this is the one most people heard of.