All diseases are multi-faceted. They have a physical effect and an emotional/mental effect. The physcal effects can be magnified by the emotional/mental effect.
I find myself imagining pains, symptoms, and other physical things that may or may not be real, as far as being related to the PC or the treatment. If I am depressed, sitting around waiting to die, these things become more real, and we get more depressed.
On the other hand, if I am up and about, doing things, meeting people, helping people, playing with my grandkids, etc., these symptoms mysteriously dissappear. Miracles, probably not. My attitiude having an effect on my physical symptoms, I believe so.
My spiritual life can have the same effect on these symptoms as well, real or imagined. Just getting out of bed on Sunday and going to church leaves me less time to worry about my problems.
At some time, if my PC progresses, my physical issues will undoubtedly catch up, but every day I can live normally, because of a good attitude, is a gift to me . Once my physical symptoms overcomes my emotional/mental ones, life as I have known it will be at a standstill.