RED NIGHTHAWK ( sounds like a DC comic superhero !)
you have got a lot of very good support and information - and it seems the bottom line is - if you ain't happy - choose someone else to be your uro...
-as with any interpretation ( for ego or liability reasons) what is best for you is the key thing - the best surgery for you - the best support for you -
-I just remembered the two sites in which patients can rate their doctors - I was pleased to see my posting on the Canadian doc site for my Dr. David Tilley ( the second one listed, in Toronto, Ontario)
Canadian Doctors checked out on the USA and Canadian doc site about
my urologist .. while Tilley gets 4.0 rating out of 5 .. my urologist gets only 2.9 ... he may be good at being a surgeon , but his bedside manner and lack of support ( lack of concern) has me wondering how long I want to deal with him ... will be dealing with ED issues with my family doctor...
USA and Canadian Doctors I also liked the worker bee analogy from Steve n Dallas posting ...
-all the best -