Two weeks ago – 2 year PSA was < .01 but blood was detected in the urine.
Last weeks CT scan didn’t find anything.
Yesterday’s Cystoscopy did find something. Surgeon found a titanium sugical staple poking though into the bladder. It has a calcium build up on it – aka Bladder Stone… OH BOY..
It was found in the same area where I was leaking which caused me to have my cath in for five weeks. He tried to remove the darn stone since he already had the scope in there…But that was a no go.
Have to say that the cystoscopy was almost less fun then the biopsy was. Still hurts like heck to go pee pee..
Will have an x-ray done this week to get a “starting point.” Will do another x-ray in six months…It’s not going to go away by itself and odds are that it will get bigger. Day surgery here I come.
The part that hurts the worse is the $5,000.00 insurance deductable that I will get to pay out of pocket..So much for fininshing the remolding of my bathroom.
And on a lighter note – I’ve seen other guys here mention it – but I too have now experienced a penis fart. (sorry ladies) Its a pretty weird sensation